Jasper52 works with thousands of sellers to grow their online businesses. We’ve studied our most successful sellers and distilled exactly what it takes to unlock all of the potential our platform has to offer.


  1. Property must be priced at fair market value
  2. Take clear photos
  3. Write complete, accurate, & thorough descriptions
  4. Submit at least 10 items with a combined reserve/value of at least $2000
  5. Commit to a submission cadence
  6. Review Seller Tips and read the Seller Newsletter
  7. Respond to inquiries (questions, international shipping quotes) within 24-48 hours
  8. Ship securely, and within 24-48 hours
  9. Visit your Seller Dashboard to understand what’s hot and what’s not
  10. Communicate clearly & regularly with your Account Manager

What our sellers are saying…

“Jasper52 has been an integral part of Vivid Diamonds & Jewelry’s success selling jewelry online. Their customer base is the perfect audience for our fine jewelry, signed pieces, and watches. Thank you for your attention to detail and the amazing customer service!”

– Jay, Director of Technology at Vivid Diamonds

“Jasper52 has been genuinely life-changing for my business. The concept of Jasper52 is revolutionary.”

-Victor, Americana Antiques Dealer

Such wonderful and talented people. I would strongly recommend this site for those who do online business. This site is being operated by professionals, who guide you whenever you need them. Thumbs up

-Dua Gems